donderdag 13 oktober 2011

I am no Superhero..

 Spiderman, Batman, Catwoman? These are all superheros. And trust me, I am not. I am wrong most of the time. And I have what is called in normal words, "A shit life".. Or what people say, "fml" on facebook and msn actually makes sense. Nobody understands me, no one needs to because I am not perfect and neither are you!
Nobody is perfect. Nobody ever will be. We want the things that we don't have. 
And the things we have we never appreciate it. And why is that so? Because we are human. We make mistakes, some of us regret it. Trust me, you people who regret it need to suck up the tears and throw everything right down the cornor. And the people that don't regret anything are usually MUCH more happier. And I realized that because I am mentally very strong now. I am still not perfect but I do know what things I need to regret and what things I dont. Have you heard the song, "No Regrets" by Dappy? If you havent, here is the link. Listen to it. Read the lyrics.
 And now throw everything in the trash and start over. 
"Move on, go to the next chapter. But do not close the book." You don't know what is in the next chapter if you close the book because you "expect" a sad ending. But how do you know it is a sad ending if one of the chapters is sad. And this is your life. Not the person who made it hard for you to continue the book. 
Humans expect a lot. And end up getting none of it. I thought that when I would be 15, I would have been happy. Listening to songs. Out with my 'best friends'. Living the life. 
But none of that actually happens! You are not perfect, you don't need to be perfect. Being emo will not help. I can say so because I have tried. Be yourself. You don't have to smile every second of your life, but atleast show the others that you are happy and you don't need any support. I aint no superhero, but I would rather be me than a superhero;) 

Be Strong, Be you! 
Good luck,
Ramsha xx

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